Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/184

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CANTO the Fourth.

The Argument.

At Oswald's Camp arrives wise Hermegild,
Whose presence does a new diversion yield;
In Councel he reveals his secret Breast;
Would mingle Love with Empires interest:
From rash revenge, lo peace the Camp invites,
Who Oswald's Fun'ral grace with Roman Rites.

IN this distemper whilst the humours strive
T' assemble, they again diverted are;
For tow'rds their Trenches Twentie Chariots drive,
Swiftly as Syrians when they charge in war.

They Hermegild with Court attendants spy'd;
Whose haste to Hubert does advice intend;
To warn him that just Fate can ne'r provide
For rash beginnings a succesfull end.

But fate for Hermegild provided well;
This Story else (which him the wise does call)
Would here his private ruin sadly tell,
In hastning to prevent the publick Fall.

His noble bloud obscurely had been shed,
His undistinguish'd Limbs torn and unknown,
As is the dust of Victors long since dead,
Which March in April's watry Eyes has blown.

Such was their rage when on Verona's way
(With his rich Train) they saw from Court he came;
Till some did their impetuous furie stay;
And gave his life protection for his fame,
