Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/247

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an Heroick Poem.
And Gartha like an Eastern Monarch's Bride,
This publick love with bashfull homage took,
For she had learn'd from Hermegild to hide
A rising Heart, behind a falling Look.

Thus, mask'd with meekness, she does much intreat
A pardon for that Storm her sorrow rais'd;
Which Rhodalind more fues she would forget,
Unless to have so just a sorrow prais'd.

Soon is this joy through all the Court dispers'd;
So high they vallue peace, who daily are
In Prides invasions, private faction, vers'd;
The small, but fruitfull seed of publick war.

Whilst thus sweet Peace had others joys assur'd,
Orna with hopes of sweeter Love was pleas'd;
For of war's wounds brave Hurgonil was cur'd;
And those of love, which deeper reach'd, were eas'd.

In both these cures her Sov'raign help appears,
Since as her double Patient he receiv'd
For War's wounds, Balm, dropp'd in her precious tears,
And Love's, her more accepted vows, reliev'd.

She let no medc'nal Flow'r in quiet grow,
No Art lie hid, nor Artist ease his thought,
No Fane be shut, no Priest from Altars go,
Nor in Heav'n's Quire no Saint remain unsought,

Nor more her Eys could ease of sleep esteem
Than sleep can the world's Eye, the Sun, conceal;
Nor breath'd she but in vows to Heav'n, or him,
Till Heav'n, and she, his diff'rent wounds did heal.
