Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/248

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But now she needs those ayds she did dispence;
For scarce her cures were on him perfect grown,
E're shame afflicts her for that diligence,
Which Love had in her fits of pity shown.

When she (though made of shunning bashfulness)
Whilst him in wounds a smarting Feaver burn'd,
Invok'd remotest aydes to his redress,
And with a loud ungovern'd kindness mourn'd.

When o're him then, whilst parting life She ru'd,
Her kisses faster (though unknown before)
Then Blossoms fall on parting Spring, she strew'd;
Than Blossoms sweeter, and in number more.

But now when from her busie Maid she knew
How wildly Grief had led her Love abroad,
Unmask'd to all, she her own Pris'ner grew;
By shame, a Virgin's Native Conscience, aw'd.

With undirected Eies which careless rove,
With thoughts too singly to her self confin'd,
She blushing starts at her remember'd love,
And grievs the world had Eyes, when that was blind.

Sad darkness, which does other Virgins fright,
Now boldly and alone, she entertain'd;
And shuns her Lover, like the Traytor, light,
Till he her curtains drew, and thus complain'd.

Why, bashfull Maid, will you your beauty hide,
Because your fairer Mind, your Love, is known?
So Jewellers conceal with artfull pride
Their second wealth, after the best is shown.
