Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/258

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CANTO the Second.

The Argument.
Whilst Birtha and the Duke their joyes pursue
In conqu'ring Love, Fate doth them both subdue
With triumphs, which from Court young Orgo brought;
And have in Goltho greater triumphs wrought:
Whose hopes the quiet Ulfinore does bear
With patience feigne'd, and with a hidden fear.

THe prosp'rous Gondibert from Birtha gains
All bashfull plights a Maids first bounties give;
Fast vows, which bind Love's Captives more than chains,
Yet free Love's Saints in chosen bondage live.

Few were the days, and swiftly seem'd to waste,
Which thus he in his minds ftuition spent;
And lest some envious Cloud should overcast
His Lov's fair Morn, oft to his Camp he sent

To Bergamo, where still intrenched were
Those Youth, whom first his Father's Army bred;
Who ill the rumour of his wounds did bear,
Though he that gave them, of his own be dead.

And worse those haughtie threat'nings they abhor,
Which Fame, from Brescia's ancient Fighters brought;
Vain Fame, the Peoples trusted Orator,
Whose speech (too fluent) their mistakes has wrought.

Oft Goltho with his temp'rate Counsels went,
To quench whom Fame to dang'rous furie warm'd;
Till temp'rately his dangers they resent,
And think him safest in their patience arm'd.
