Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/259

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an Heroick Poem.
And safe now is his love, as love could be,
If all the World like old Arcadia were;
Honour the Monarch, and all Lovers free
From jealosie, as safetie is from fear.

And Birtha's heart does to his civil Breast
As much for ease and peace, as safetie, come;
For there 'tis serv'd and treated as a Guest,
But watch'd, and taught, and often chid at home.

Like great and good Confed'rates, whose design
Invades not others, but secures their own:
So they in just and virtuous hopes combine,
And are, like new Confed'rates, busie grown.

With whisper earnest, and now grave with thought
They walk consulting, standing they debate;
And then seek shades, where they in vain are sought,
By servants who intrude, and think they wait.

In this great League, their most important care
Was to dispatch their Rites; Yet so provide,
That all the Court might think them free as air,
When fast as faith, they were by Hymen ty'd.

For if the King (said he) our love surprise,
His stormie rage will it Rebellion call;
Who claims to chuse the Brides of his Allies;
And in that storm our joys in blossom fall.

Our love, your cautious Father, onely knows
(On whose safe prudence, Senates may depend)
And Goltho, who to time few reck'nings ows,
Yet can discharge all duties of a Friend.
