Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/272

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But Orgo they did ill suspect, whose Youth
And nature yielded Lovers no offence;
Us'd by his Lord for kindness and for truth;
Both native in him as his innocence:

And here pass'd by in haste, to Court employ'd,
That Birtha may no more have cause to mourn:
Full was his little Breast, and over-joy'd
That much depended on his quick return!

Many like Orgo, in their Manhoods Morn,
As Pages, did the Noble Duke attend;
The Sons of Chiefs, whom beauty did adorn,
And fairer Virtue did that beauty mend.

These in his Heroe's Schools he bred (which were
In Peace his Palace, and in War his Tent)
As if Time's self had read sage Lecture there
How he would have his hours (Life's Treasure) spent.

No action, though to shorten dreaded war,
Nor needfull Counsels, though to lengthen Peace,
Nor Love, of which wise Nature takes such care,
Could from this usefull work his cares release.

But with the early Sun he rose, and taught
These Youths, by growing virtue to grow great;
Shew'd greatness is without it blindly sought,
A desp'rate charge which ends in base retreat.

He taught them shame, the sudden sence of ill;
Shame, Nature's hasty Conscience, which forbids
Weak inclination ere it grow to will,
And stays rash will, before it grow to deeds.
