Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/273

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an Heroick Poem.
He taught them Honour, Virtue's bashfulness;
A Fort so yieldless, that it fears to treat;
Like Pow'r, it grows to nothing, growing less;
Honour, the moral Conscience of the Great!

He taught them kindness, Souls civilitie;
In which, nor Courts, nor Cities have a part;
For theirs is fashion, this from falshood free;
Where Love, and pleasure, know no Lust nor Art.

And Love he taught; the Soul's stoln Visit made,
Though froward Age watch hard, and Law forbid;
Her walks no Spie has trac'd, nor mountain staid;
Her friendship's cause, is as the Loadstone's hid.

He taught them love of Toyl, Toyl which does keep
Obstructions from the Mind, and quench the bloud;
Ease but belongs to us like sleep, and sleep
Like Opium, is our Med'cine, not our Food.

To dangers us'd them, which Death's Visards are,
More uglie than himself, and often chace
From Battel Coward-life; but when we dare
His Vizard see, we never fear his face.