Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/277

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an Heroick Poem.
This Birtha heard, and she on Orgo cast
A pitious look (for she no anger knew)
But griev d he knows not, that he brings too fast
Such joys, as fain she faster would eschew.

So Gondibert this Gust of glorie took,
As Men whose Sayls are full, more weather take;
And she so gaz'd on him, as Sea-men look
On long sought shore, when Tempests drive them back.

But now these glories more apparent be;
And justly all their observation claim'd;
Great, as in greatest Courts less Princes see,
When entertain'd to be eclips'd, and sham'd,

West from Verona's Road, through pleasant Meads,
Their Chariots cross, and to the Palace steer;
And Aribert this winged triumph leads;
Which like the Planets Progress did appear.

So shin'd they, and so noiseless seem'd their speed;
Like Spartans, touching but the silken Reins,
Was all the conduct which their Coursers need,
And proudly to sit still, was all their pains.

With Aribert sat royal Rhodalind;
Calm Orna by the Count, by Hermegild
(Silver'd with time) the Golden Gartha shin'd;
And Tybalt's Eyes were full by Laura fill'd.

The lesser Beauties, numberless as Stars,
Shew'd fickly and far off, to this Noon-day;
And lagg'd like Baggage Treasure in the Wars;
Or onely seem'd another Milkie-way.
