Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/278

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The Duke perceiv'd, the King design'd to make
This visit more familiar by surprise;
And with Court art, he would no notice take
Of that which Kings are willing to disguise.

But as in heedless sleep, the House shall seem
New wak'd with this Alarm; and Vlfin strait
(Whose fame was precious in the Courts esteem)
Must, as with casual sight, their entrance wait.

To Astragon he doubles all his Vows;
To Birtha, through his Eies, his Heart reveal'd;
And by some civil jealousies he shows
Her beauty from the Court must be conceal'd.

Prays her, from Envy's danger to retire;
The Palace war; which there can never cease,
Till Beauty's force in age or death expire:
A War disguis'd in civil shapes of Peace.

Still he the precious Pledge kept from her view;
Who guess'd not by the Casket his intent;
And was so willing not to fear him true,
That she did fear to question what it ment.

Now hasts she to be hid; and being gon,
Her Lover thinks the Planet of the day;
So leaves the mourning World to give the Moon
(Whose Train is mark'd but for their number) way.

And entring in her Closet (which took light
Full in the Palace Front) she finds her Maids
Gather'd to see this gay unusuall sight;
Which Commet-like, their wondring Eyes invades