Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/306

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These words he clos'd with kindness, and retir'd;
In which her quick Ey'd Hope three blessings spy'd;
With joy of being near her Lord, inspir'd,
With seeing Courts', and having Virtue try'd.

She now with jealous questions utter'd fast,
Fils Orgo's Ear, which there unmark'd are gon,
As Throngs through guarded Gates, when all make haste,
Not giving Warders time t' examine one.

She ask'd if Fame had render'd Rhodalind
With favour, or in Truth's impartial shape?
If Orna were to humble Virtue kind,
And beauty could from Gartha's envy scape?

If Laura (whose faire Eyes those but invites
Who to her wit ascribe the Victory)
In conquest of a speechless Mayd delights?
And ere to this prompt Orgo could reply,

She ask'd, in what consist the Charms of Court?
Whether those pleasures so resistless were
As common Country Travailers report,
And such as innocence had cause to fear?

What kind of Angels shape young Fav'rites take?
And being Angels, how they can be bad?
Or why delight so cruelly to make
Fair Country Mayds, return from Court so sad?

More had she ask'd (for study warm'd her brow,
With thinking how her love might prosp'rous be)
But that young Ulfinore approach'd her now,
And Goltho, warmer with designe than she.
