Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/307

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an Heroick Poem.
Though Goltho's hope (in Indian Feathers clad)
Was light, and gay, as if he meant to flie;
Yet he no farther than his Rival had
Advanc'd in promise, from her Tongue, or Eye.

When distant, talk'd, as if he plighted were;
For hope in Love, like Cowards in the War,
Talks bravely till the enterprise be near;
But then discretion dares not venture far.

He never durst approch her watchfull Eye
With studious gazing, nor with sighs her Ear;
But still seem'd frolick, like a States-man's Spie;
As if his thoughtfull bus'ness were not there.

Still, Superstitious Lovers Beauty paint,
(Thinking themselves but Devils) so divine,
As if the thing belov'd, were all a Saint;
And ev'ry place she enter'd, were a Shrine.

And though last Night were the auspitious time
When they resolv'd to quit their bashfull fears;
Yet soon (as to the Sun when Eaglets climbe)
They stoop'd, And quench'd their daring Eyes in tears.

And now (for Hope, that formal Centry, stands
All Winds and Showrs though there but vainly plac'd,
They to Verona beg her dear commands;
And look to be with parting kindness grac'd.

Both dayly journies meant, 'twixt this and Court:
For taking leave is twice Love's sweet Repast;
In being sweet, and then in being short;
Like Manna, ready still, but cannot last.
