Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/308

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Her Favours not in lib'ral looks she gave,
But in a kind respectfull lowliness,
Them honour gives, yet did her honour save;
Which gently thus she did to both express.

High heav'n that did direct your Eyes the way
To chuse so well, when you your friendship made,
Still keep you joyn'd, that daring Envie may
Fear such united Virtue to invade!

In your safe Breasts, the noble Gondibert
Does trust the secret Treasure of his love;
And I (grown Conscious of my low desert)
Would not, you should that wealth for me improve.

I am a Flow'r that merit not the Spring!
And he (the World's warm Sun,) in passing by
Should think, when such as I leave flourishing,
His Beams to Cedars haste, which else would die.

This from his humble Maid you may declare
To him, on whom the good of humane kind
Depends; and as his greatning is your care,
So may your early love successes find!

So may that beauteous She, whom eithers Heart
For virtue and delight of life shall chuse,
Quit in your siege the long defence of Art,
And Nature's freedom in a treatie lose.

This gave cold Ulfinore in Love's long Night
Some hope of Day; as Sea-men that are run
Far North-ward, find long Winters to be light,
And in the Cynosure adore the Sun.
