Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/309

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an Heroick Poem.
It shew'd to Goltho, not alone like Day,
But like a Wedding Noon, who now grows strong
Enough to speak, but that her beauties stay
His Eyes, whose wonder soon arrests his Tongue.

Yet something he at parting seem'd to say,
In prettie Flow'rs of Love's wild Rhetorick;
Which mov'd not her, though Oratours thus sway
Assemblies, which since wild, wild Musick like.

CANTO the Sixth.

The Argument.

Here Ulfin reads the art to Ulfinore
Of wisely getting, and increasing Pow'r.
The Rivals to Verona haste, and there
Young Goltho's frailtie does too soon appear.
Black Dalga's fatal beautie is reveal'd;
But her descent and Storie is conceal'd.

OLd Ulfin parting now with Ulfinore,
His study'd thoughts, and of a grave import
Thus utter'd, as well read in ancient Lore;
When prudence kept up greatness in the Court.

Heav'n guide thee Son, through Honour's slipp'ry way;
The Hill, which warie painfulness must climbe;
And often rest, to take a full survay
Of ev'ry path trod by Experienc'd Time.
