Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/81

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an Heroick Poem.
Her Fathers prosp'rous Palace was the Sphear
Where she to all with Heav'nly order mov'd;
Made rigid virtue so benign appear,
That 'twas without Religion's help belov'd.

Her looks like Empire shew'd, great above pride;
Since pride ill counterfeits excessive height;
But Nature publish'd what she fain would hide;
Who for her deeds, not beautie, lov'd the light.

To make her lowly minds appearance less,
She us'd some outward greatness for disguise;
Esteem'd as pride the Cloist'ral lowliness,
And thought them proud who even the proud despise.

Her Father (in the winter of his age)
Was like that stormie season froward grown;
Whom so her springs fresh presence did asswage,
That he her sweetness tasted as his own.

The pow'r that with his stooping age declin'd,
In her transplanted, by remove increas'd;
Which doubly back in homage she resign'd;
Till pow'rs decay, the Thrones worst sickness, ceas'd.

Oppressours big with pride, when she appear'd
Blush'd, and believ'd their greatness counterfeit;
The lowly thought they them in vain had fear'd;
Found virtue harmless, and nought else so great.

Her mind (scarce to her feeble sex of kin)
Did as her birth, her right to Empire show;
Seem'd careless outward when imploy'd within;
Her speech, like lovers watch'd, was kind and low.
