Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/82

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She shew'd that her soft sex contains strong minds,
Such as evap'rates through the courser Male,
As through course stone Elixar passage finds,
Which scarce through finer Christal can exhale.

Her beautie (not her own but Natures pride)
Should I describe; from every Lovers eye
All Beauties this original must hide,
Or like scorn'd Copies be themselves laid by;

Be by their Poets Shunn'd, whom beautie feeds,
Who beautie like hyr'd witnesses protect,
Officiously averring more than needs,
And make us so the needfull truth suspect.

And since fond Lovers (who disciples be
To Poets) think in their own loves they find
More beautie than yet Time did ever see,
Time's Curtain I will draw ore Rhodalind;

Lest shewing her, each see how much he errs,
Doubt since their own have less, that they have none;
Believe their Poets perjur'd Flatterers,
And then all Modern Maids would be undone.

In pitie thus, her beauty's just renown
I wave for publick Peace, and will declare
To whom the King design'd her with his Crown;
Which is his last and most unquiet care.

If in alliance he does greatness prise,
His Mind grown wearie, need not travel far;
If greatness he compos'd of Victories,
He has at home many that Victors are.
