Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/89

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an Heroick Poem.
When thus as Suitors mourning Virgins pass
Through their clean camp, themselves in form they draw
That they with Martial reverence may grace
Beauty, the Stranger, which they seldom saw.

They vayl'd their Ensigns as it by did move,
Whilst inward (as from Native Conscience) all
Worship'd the Poets Darling Godhead, Love,
Which grave Philosophers did Nature call.

Nor there could Maids of Captive Syres despair,
But made all Captives by their beauty free;
Beauty and Valour native Jewels are,
And as each others onely price agree.

Such was the Duke's young Camp near Bergamo,
But these near Brescia whom fierce Oswald led,
Their Science to his famous Father owe,
And have his Son (though now their Leader) bred.

This rev'rend Army was for age renown'd;
Which long through frequent dangers follow'd Time;
Their many Trophies gain'd with many a wound,
And Fames last Hill, did with first vigour climb.

But here the learned Lombard whom I trace
My forward Pen by flower Method stays;
Lest I should them (less heeding time and place
Than common Poets) out of season praise.

Think onely then (couldst thou both Camps discern)
That these would seem grave Authours of the war,
Met civily to teach who e're will learn,
And those their young and civil Students are.
