Page:Gondibert, an heroick poem - William Davenant (1651).djvu/90

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But painful virtue of the war ne'r pays
Itself with consciousness of being good,
Though Cloyster-virtue may believe even praise
A sallary which there should be withstood.

For many here (whose virtues active heat
Concurs not with cold virtue which does dwell
In lazy Cells) are virtuous to be great,
And as in pains so would in pow'r excell.

And Oswald's Faction urg'd him to aspire
That by his height they higher might ascend;
The Dukes to glorious Thrones access desire,
But at more awfull distance did attend.

The royal Rhodalind is now the Prize
By which these Camps would make their merit known;
And think their Gen'rals but their Deputies
Who must for them by Proxy wed the Crown.

From forreign Fields (with toyling conquest tyr'd,
And groaning under spoyls) came home to rest;
But now they are with emulation fir'd,
And for that pow'r they should obey, contest.

Ah how perverse and froward is Mankind!
Faction in Courts does us to rage excite;
The Rich in Cities we litigious find,
And in the Field th'Ambitious make us fight.

And fatally (as if even souls were made
Of warring Elements as Bodies are)
Our Reason our Religion does invade,
Till from the Schools to Camps it carry war.