Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/156

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XXVII, 58]
Secundum Mattheum

52. and byrgena wurdun geopenode; and manige hālige līchaman ðe ǣr slēpon āryson;[1]

53. and þā hig ūt ēodon of þām byrgenum æfter hys ǣryste, hig cōmun on þā hāligan ceastre, and ætēowdon hig manegum.[2]

54. Witodlīce þæs hundredes ealdor, and ðā þe mid him wǣron healdende þone Hǣlynd, þā hig gesāwon þā eorðbifunge and þā ðing ðe þǣr gewurdon, hig ondrēdon heom ðearle, and cwǣdon, Sōðlīce Godes Sunu wæs þēs.[3]

55. Witodlīce þǣr wǣron manega wīf feorran, þā ðe fyligdon þām Hǣlende fram Galilea, him ðēnigende.[4]

56. Betwuh þām wæs sēo Magdalenisce Maria, and Maria Iacobes mōder and Iosephes mōdur, and Zebedeis sunena mōdor.[5]

57. Sōðlīce þā hyt ǣfen wæs, cōm sum welig mann of Arimathia, þæs nama wæs Iosep, sē sylfa wæs þæs Hǣlyndes leorningcniht.[6]

58. Hē genēalǣhte tō Pilate, and bæd þæs Hǣlyndes līchaman. Đā hēt Pilatus āgyfan him þone līchaman.[7]

  1. A, wurdon.
  2. A, comon; A, halgan, B, haligean; B, cestre ; A, ætywdon.
  3. B, Witudlice; A, hælend; A, þar; A, hym, B, him (for heom); A, B, Soð (for Soðlice).
  4. A, þar; A, fylgdon; B, hælynde.
  5. A, betweoh; B, modur (first and third times); A, and iosepes moder (above the line); A, suna.
  6. Corp., B, weli, A, welig; A, B, man; A, hælendes.
  7. A, abead ; A, hælendes.