Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/157

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[XXVII, 59—

59. And Iosep genam þone līchaman, and bewand hyne mid clǣnre scȳtan,

60. and lēde hyne on hys nīwan byrgene, ðā hē āhēow on stāne; and hē tō āwylte mycelne stān tō hlide þǣre byrgene, and fērde syþþan.[1]

61. Đǣr wæs sōðlīce sēo Magdalenisce Maria and sēo ōðer Maria, sittende æt þǣre byrgene.[2]

62. Witodlīce ōðrum dæge þe wæs gearcungdæg, cōmon tōgædere þǣra sācerda ealdras and þā sundorhālgan tō Pilate,[3]

63. and cwǣdon, Hlāford, wē gemunon þæt sē swica sǣde, þā hē on līfe wæs, Æfter þrȳm dagon ic ārīse.

64. Hāt nū healdan þā byrgene oð þone þryddan dæg, þē lǣs hys leorningcnihtas cumon and forstelon hyne, and secgeon þām folce þæt hē āryse of dēaþe; þonne byð þæt æftre gedwyld wyrse þonne þæt ǣrre.[4]

65. Đā cwæð Pilatus, Gē habbað heordrǣdenne; farað, and healdað swā swā gē witon.[5]

66. Sōþlīce hig fērdon, and ymbetrymedon þā byrgene, and innseglodon þone stān, mid þām weardum.[6]

  1. A, wylede to (for to awylte; changed order); A, byrgenne, B, byrigene.
  2. A, þar; A, byrgenne, B, byriene.
  3. B, comun; A, sunderhalgan.
  4. A, byrgenne; A, þy læs; A, cuman; A, secgon; A, B, æftere.
  5. A, -ræddene.
  6. A, byrgenne; A, inseglodon, B, innseglodun.