Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/19

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[ii, 10—

10. Sōþlīce þā ðā tungelwītegan þone steorran gesāwon, fægenodon swȳðe myclum gefēan.[1]

11. And gangende intō þām hūse hī gemētton þæt cild mid Marian hys mēder; and hī āðenedon hī, and hī tō him gebǣdon; and hī untȳndon hyra goldhordas, and him lāc brōhton, þæt wæs gold and rēcels and myrre.[2]

12. And hī āfēngon andsware on swefnum þæt hī eft tō Herode ne hwyrfdon; ac hī on ōðerne weg on hyra rīce fērdon.[3]

Đys godspel sceal on cylda mæssedæg.

13. Þā hī þā fērdon, þā ætȳwde Drihtnes engel Iosepe on swefnum, and þus cwæð, Ārīs and nim þæt cild and his mōdor, and flēoh on Egypta land, and bēo þǣr oð þæt ic ðē secge; tōweard ys þæt Herodes sēcð þæt cild tō forspillenne.[4]

14. Hē ārās þā and nam þæt cild and his mōdor on niht, and fērde on Egyptum;[5]

15. and wæs þǣr oð Herodes forðsīð: þæt wǣre gefylled þæt ðe fram Drihtne gecweden wæs þurh ðone wītegan, Of Egyptum ic mīnne sunu geclypode.[6]

  1. A, hig fægnodon; A, micelum.
  2. B, ganggende; A gemitton.
  3. A, onfengon; A, heora.
  4. B, oswefnum (for on swefnum); A, moder; A, þar; A, segce; B, Towerd; A, forspillanne.
  5. A, moder.
  6. A, þar; A, þæt fram (om. ðe).