Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/20

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ii, 22]
Secundum Mattheum

16. Đā wæs Herodes swȳde gebolgen, for þām þe he beþǣht wæs fram þām tungelwītegum, and hē āsende þā and ofslōh ealle þā cild þe on Bethleem wǣron, and on eallum hire gemǣrum, fram twȳwintrum cilde and binnan þām, æfter þǣre tīde þe hē geāxode fram ðām tungelwītegum.[1]

17. Đā wæs gefylled þæt gecweden wæs þurh Hieremiam þone wītegan,

18. Stefn wæs on hēhnysse gehȳred, wōp and mycel þotorung; Rachel wēop hyre bearn, and hēo nolde bēon gefrēfred, for þām þe hī nǣron.[2]

Đys [godspel] sceal on twelftanǣfen.

19. Sōðlīce þā Herodes wæs forð faren, witodlīce on swefne Drihtnes engel ætȳwde Iosepe on Egyptum,

20. and þus cwæð, Ārīs and nim þæt cild and his mōdor, and far on Israhela land; nū synd forð farene þe ðæs cildes sāwle sōhton.[3]

21. Hē ārās ðā and onfēng þæt cild and his mōdor, and cōm on Israhela land.[4]

22. Đā hē gehȳrde þæt Archelaus rīxode on Iudea þēode for ðone [fæder] Herodem,[5] hē ondrēd

  1. A, gedrefed (for gebolgen); A, geacsode, B, geahsode; B, tungol- (second time).
  2. A, stefn wæs gehired on hehnesse (changed order); A, þoterung; A, gefrefrod.
  3. A, moder.
  4. A, moder.
  5. Corp., B, ðæne herodem, A, þæne fæder herodem.