Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/21

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[ii, 23—

þyder tō faranne; and on swefnum gemynegod hē fērde on Galileisce dǣlas,[1]

23. and hē cōm þā and eardode on þǣre ceastre ðe is genemned Nazareth: þæt wǣre gefylled þæt gecweden wæs þurh ðone wītegan, for þām ðe hē Nazarenisc byð genemned.


Ðys [godspel] sceal on wōdnesdæg on þǣre þrȳddan wucan ǣr myddanwyntra.

1. On þām dagum cōm Iohannes sē fulluhtere, and bodude on þām wēstene Iudee,[2]

2. and cwæð, Dōþ dǣdbōte; sōðlīce genēalǣceð heofona rīce.[3]

3. Đis ys sē be þām þe gecweden ys þurh Esaiam ðone wītegan, Clypiendes stefn wæs on wēstene, Gegearwiað Drihtnes weg, dōþ his sīðas rihte.[4]

4. Sē Iohannes witodlīce hæfde rēaf of olfenda hǣrum, and fellenne gyrdel embe hys lendenu; and hys mete wæs gærstapan and wuduhunig.[5]

5. Đā fērde tō him Hierosolimwaru and eal Iudea ðēod, and eal þæt rīce wiðgeondan Iordanen.[6]

  1. Corp., B, to farende, A, to faranne; A, gemingod, B, gemyngod.
  2. A, bodode; A, iudee.
  3. A, genealæcað heofena.
  4. A, clipiende; B, dryhtnes.
  5. B, oluenda; A, ymbe.
  6. A, eall (twice).