Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/24

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iv, 9]
Secundum Mattheum

2. And þā þā hē fæste fēowurtig daga and fēowurtig nihta, þā ongan hyne syððan hingrian.[1]

3. And þā genēalǣhte sē costniend, and cwæð, Gyf þū Godes Sunu sȳ, cweð þæt þās stānas tō hlāfe gewurðon.[2]

4. Ðā andswarode sē Hǣlend, Hit ys āwriten, Ne leofað sē man be hlāfe ānum, ac be ǣlcon worde þe of Godes mūðe gǣð.[3]

5. Þā gebrōhte sē dēofol hine on þā hālgan ceastre, and āsette hine ofer þæs temples hēahnesse,[4]

6. and cwæð tō him, Gyf þū Godes Sunu eart, āsend þē þonne nyðer; sōþlīce hit ys āwriten, Þæt hē his englum bebēad be ðē, þæt hig þē on hyra handum beron, þē lǣs þe ðīn fōt æt stāne ætsporne.[5]

7. Ðā cwæð sē Hǣlend eft tō him, Hit ys āwriten, Ne costna þū Drihten þīnne God.[6]

8. Eft sē dēofol hine genam, and lǣdde hine on swīðe hēahne munt, and ætēowde him ealle middaneardes rīcu and hyra wuldor,[7]

9. and cwæþ tō him, Ealle þās ic sylle þē, gyf þū feallende tō mē geēadmētst.[8]

  1. A, feowertig (twice).
  2. Corp., costnind (costni-nd, divided at the end of the line), A, B, costnigend; A, geweorðon.
  3. A, hælend him; A, ælcum.
  4. A, heahnysse.
  5. A, om. hyra; A bæron; A þe læs ðe.
  6. A, costa (changed into costna); A, ða na drihten.
  7. A, ætywde; A, middangeardes ; A, heora.
  8. A, om. to him; A, geeadmedest.