Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/26

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iv, 24]
Secundum Mattheum

hē geseh twēgen gebrōðru, Symonem, sē wæs genemned Petrus, and Andream his brōþor, sendende hyra nett on þā sǣ; sōðlīce hī wǣron fisceras.[1]

19. And hē sǣde him, Cumað æfter mē, and ic dō þæt gyt bēoð manna fisceras.[2]

20. And hī þǣrrihte forlēton hyra net, and him fyligdon.[3]

21. And þā hē þanon ēode, he geseh twēgen ōðre gebrōþru, Iacobum Zebedei and Iohannem his brōþur, on scype mid hyra fæder Zebedeo, rēnigende hyra nett, and hē clypode hī.[4]

22. Hī ðā sōna forlēton hyra nett and hyra fæder, and him fylidon.[5]

Ðis [godspel] sceal on frīgedæg on þǣre þryddan wucan ofer twelftandæg.

23. And þā befērde sē Hǣlend ealle Galileam, lǣrende on hyra gesomnungum; and hē wæs bodiende godspel þæs rīces, and hǣlende ǣlce ādle and ǣlce untrumnysse on þām folce.[6]

24. And ðā fērde hys hlīsa intō ealle Syriam; and hī brōhton him ealle yfel hæbbende missenlīcum ādlum and on tintregum gegripene, and

  1. A geseah; A gebroðra; A broðer; A heora.
  2. A, heom.
  3. A, þarrihte; A heora; A, folgodon, B fylidon.
  4. A, broðer; A, myd heora; Corp., A, B, remigende; A, heora; B, net.
  5. A, heora (twice); A, folgodon.
  6. A, heora; A, bodigende godspell.