Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/33

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[v, 41—

and niman þīne tunecan, lǣt him tō þīnne wǣfels.

41. And swā hwā swā þē genyt þūsend stapa, gā mid him ōðre twā þūsend.[1]

42. Syle þām ðe þē bidde; and þām ðe [wylle] æt þē borgian, ne wyrn þū him.[2]

Ðis [godspel] sceal on wōdnesdæg on þǣre systēoðan wucan oter pentecosten; and on frīgedæg innan þǣre cȳswucan.

43. Gē gehȳrdon þæt gecweden wæs, Lufa þīnne nēxtan, and hata þinne fēond.[3]

44. Sōþlīce ic secge ēow, Lufiað ēowre fȳnd, and dōþ wel þām ðe ēow yfel dōð, and gebiddað for ēowre ēhteras and tǣlendum ēow:

45. þæt gē sīn ēowres Fæder bearn þe on heofonum ys, sē þe dēð þæt hys sunne ūp āspringð ofer þā gōdan and ofer þā yfelan; and hē lǣt rīnan ofer þā rihtwīsan and ofer þā unrihtwīsan.[4]

46. Gyf gē sōðlīce þā lufiað [þe ēow lufiað,] hwylce mēde habbað gē? hū ne dōð mānfulle swā?[5]

47. And gyf gē þæt ān dōð þæt gē ēowre gebrōðra wylcumiaþ, hwæt dō gē māre? hū ne dōð hǣþene swā?

  1. A, stapa to ganne gega (to ganne in the running hand above the line).
  2. Corp., B, om. wylle, A, wylle.
  3. B, We (for Ge; illuminated W); B, gecwedon; A, nyxtan.
  4. A, heofenum.
  5. Corp., B, om. þe eow lufiað, A, þe eow lufiað (in the running hand above the line).