Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/48

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IX, 6]
Secundum Mattheum

þā ceastre, and cȳddon ealle þās þing, and be þām þe ðā dēofulsēocnyssa hæfdon.[1]

34. Ðā ēode eall sēo ceasterwaru tōgēanes þām Hǣlende; and þā þā hig hyne gesāwun, þā bǣdon hig hyne þæt hē fērde fram heora gemǣrum.[2]


Ðis godspel sceal on sunnandæg on þǣre twēntugoðan wucan ofer pentecosten.

1. Đā āstāh hē on scyp, and oferseglode, and cōm on his ceastre.[3]

2. Đā brōhton hig hym ǣnne laman, on bedde licgende; þā geseah sē Hǣlend hyra gelēafan, and cwæð tō þām laman, Lā bearn, gelȳfe; þē bēoþ þīne synna forgyfene.[4]

3. Đā cwǣdon hig sume þā bōceras him betwȳnan, Đēs spycð bysmorsprǣce.[5]

4. Þā sē Hǣlend geseah hyra geþanc, ðā cwæð hē, Tō hwī þence gē yfel on ēowrum heortum?[6]

5. Hwæt is ēaþelīcre tō cweðenne, Þē bēoð forgyfene þīne synna, oððe tō cweþanne, Ārīs, and gā?[7]

6. Þæt gē sōþlīce witon þæt mannes Sunu hæfð

  1. A, deofel-.
  2. Corp., ceaster- (a above the line); A, gesawon; B, hyra.
  3. Corp., cestre, A, B, ceastre.
  4. A, heora; Corp., cw̄, A, B, cwæð.
  5. A, B, om. hig; A, sprycð.
  6. A, heora.
  7. A, B, cweðanne (twice).