Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/52

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IX, 33]
Secundum Mattheum
Đis [godspel] sceal on wōdnesdæg on þǣre xiii. wucan ofer pentecosten.

27. Þā sē Hǣlend þanun fōr, þā fyligdun hym twēgyn blinde, hrȳmynde and cweðende, Lā Dauides sunu, gemiltsa unc.[1]

28. Sōðlīce þā hē hām cōm, þā blindan genēalǣhton tō him, and sē Hǣlend cwæð tō him, Gelȳfe gyt þæt ic inc mæg gehǣlan? Hig cwǣdon tō hym, Witodlīce, Drihten.[2]

29. Đā æthrān hē hyra ēagena, cweðynde, Sȳ inc æftyr incrun gelēafan.[3]

30. And hyra ēagan wǣrun ontȳnede. And sē Hǣlynd bebēad him, cweþende, Warniað þæt gē hyt nānum men ne secgeon.[4]

31. Hig sōðlīce ūt gangynde gewīdmǣrsudun hyne ofer eall þæt land.[5]

32. Đā hig wǣron sōðlīce ūt āgāne, hig brōhton him dumbne man, sē wæs dēofulsēoc.[6]

33. And ūt ādryfenum þām dēofle, sē dumba spræc; and þā menigeo wundredon, cweðende, Nǣfre ætȳwde swylc on Israhela folce.[7]

  1. B, hælynd; A, þanon; A, fyligdon; A, twegen; A, hrymende; B, cweþynde; B, dauidys; A, me (for unc).
  2. B, genealæhtun; A, mæge; B, cwædun; B, dryhtyn; A, Dryhten þu myht.
  3. A, eagan cweðende sig inc æfter eorum geleafan; B, incrun (eow written above it).
  4. A, heora; A, wæron; B, ontynyde; A, hælend; Corp., cwþende, A, cweðende, B, cweðynde; A, secgon.
  5. A, -ende gewydmærsodon; B, ofyr.
  6. B, hi wærun; B, hi brohtun; A, dumne; A, deofol-.
  7. A, duma; A, seo mænio; B, wundrudun; A, ysraela, B, israela.