Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/53

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[IX, 34—

34. Sōþlīce þā sundorhālgan cwǣdon, On dēofla ealdre hē drīfð ūt dēoflu.[1]

35. And sē Hǣlend ymbfōr ealle burga and ceastra, lǣrende on hyra gesomnungum, and bodiende rīces godspell, and hǣlende ǣlce ādle and ǣlce untrumnesse.[2]

36. Hē gemiltsude sōðlīce þǣre menigeo, þā hē hī geseah, for þan hig wǣrun gedrehte, and licgende swā swā scēap þe hyrde nabbað.[3]

37. Þā hē sǣde hys leorningcnihtun, Witodlīce micel rip ys, and fēawa wyrhtyna.[4]

38. Biddaþ ðæs ripes hlāford þæt hē sende wyrhtan tō his ripe.[5]


1. And tōsomne gecīgydum hys twelf leorningcnihtun, hē sealde him unclǣnra gāsta anweald, þæt hig ādryfun hig ūt, and hǣldun ādle and ǣlce untrumnysse.[6]

2. Đis synt sōðlīce þǣra twelf apostola naman: Sē forma ys Simon þe ys genemned[7] Petrus, and

  1. A, sunder-, B, sundur-; B, cwædun.
  2. B, hælynd; B, embfor; A, heora; A, bodigende, B, bodiynde; A, B, godspel; A, B, -nysse.
  3. A, gemyltsode þære mænio (om. soðlice); A, for ðam ðe hig wæron; A, om. swa swa.
  4. A, -cnyhtum; A, wyrhtena.
  5. B, ripys hlafurd; B, wyryhtan.
  6. A, gecigedum; A, -cnyhtum; A, heom; A, adryfon; A, hældon ælce adle and ælce.
  7. B, genemnyd.