Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/83

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[XV, 1—


Ðys godspel gebyrað on þone þryddan wōdnesdæg innan lenctene.

1. Ðā cōmon tō him fram Hierusalem þā bōceras and Fariseisce, and cwǣdon,

2. Hwī forgȳmað þīne leorningcnihtas ūre yldrena lage? ne þwēað hī hyra handa, þonne hig mete þicgeað.[1]

3. Đā andsworode hē him, And hwī forgȳme gē Godes bebod for ēowre lage?[2]

4. Witodlīce God cwæþ, Wurþa þīnne fæder and mōdor; and, Sē þe wyrgð hys fæder and mōdor, swelte sē dēaþe.[3]

5. Sōþlīce gē cweðaþ, Swā hwylc swā segð hys fæder and mēder, Swā hwylc lāc swā of mē is fremaþ þē;[4]

6. and ne wurðiaþ fæder and mōdor. And gē for nāht dydon Godes bebod for ēowre lage.[5]

7. La līcceteras, wel be ēow wītegode Isaias sē wītega, þā hē cwæð,[6]

  1. A, þonne hig heora mete þicgað (hig above the line).
  2. A, B, andswarode; A, hym and cwæð for hwig forgime.
  3. A, weorða; A, moder (twice); A, wyrigð.
  4. Corp., om. swā segð . . . hwylc (homœoteleuton; then supplied); B, sægð.
  5. A, B, weorþiað; A, moder.
  6. A, lyceteras, B, liceteras.