Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/82

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XIV, 36]
Secundum Mattheum

ten, gyf þū hyt eart, hāt mē cuman tō þē ofer þās wæteru.

29. Đā cwæð hē, Cum tō mē. Đā ēode Petrus of þām scype ofer þæt wæter þæt hē tō þām Hǣlende cōme.[1]

30. Þā hē geseh þone strangan wind, hē him ondrēd; ðā hē wearð gedofen, hē cwæð, Drihten, gedō mē hālne.[2]

31. And þā hrædlīce hē gefēng hyne, and þus cwæð, Lā lȳtles gelēafan, hwī twȳnedest þū?[3]

32. And þā hī wǣron on þām scype, geswāc sē wind.[4]

33. Sōþlīce þā þe on þām scype wǣron cōmon, and tō him gebǣdon, and þus cwǣdon, Sōþlīce þū eart Godes Sunu.

34. And þā hig ofer segelodon, hī cōmon on þæt land Genesareth.[5]

35. And þā þæt folc hyne gecnēow, hī sendon geond eall þæt land, and brōhton tō him ealle untrume;[6]

36. and hyne bǣdon þæt hig huruþinga his rēafes fnæd æthrinon; and swā hwylce his æthrinon wurdon hāle.[7]

  1. A, com (for come).
  2. A, geseah.
  3. Corp., B, gefengc, A, gefeng; A, hwig tweonedest.
  4. A, and þa he wæs on þam scype þa geswac se wynd; B, he (for hi).
  5. A, seglodon; A, genezareth.
  6. A, eond (for geond).
  7. A, æthrynan; A, B, æthrynon (second time).