Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/99

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[XVIII, 23—
Đys [godspel] sceal on þǣre xxiii. wucan ofer pentecosten.

23. For þām ys heofena rīce anlīc þām cyninge þe hys þēowas gerādegode.[1]

24. And þā þæt gerād sette, him wæs ān brōht sē him sceolde tȳn þūsend punda.[2]

25. And þā hē næfde hwanon hē hyt āgulde, hyne hēt hys Hlāford gesyllan, and hys wīf, and hys cild, and eall þæt hē āhte.[3]

26. Þā āstrehte sē þēow hyne, and cwæð, Hlāford, gehafa geþyld on mē, and ic hyt þē eall āgylde.[4]

27. Þā gemiltsode sē hlāford him, and forgeaf him þone gylt.[5]

28. Þā sē þēowa ūt ēode, hē gemētte hys efenþēowan sē him sceolde ān hund penega; and hē nam hyne þā and forþrysmede hyne, and cwæð, Āgyf þæt þū mē scealt.[6]

29. And þā āstrehte hys efenþēowa hyne, and bæd hyne and þus cwæð, Geþyldega, and ic hyt þē eall āgyfe.[7]

30. Hē ðā nolde; ac fērde and wearp hyne on cweartern, oð ðæt hē him eall āgēfe.

31. Đā gesāwon hys efenþēowas þæt, ðā wurdon hig swȳðe geunrōtsode, and cōmon and sǣdon hyra hlāforde ealle þā dǣde.[8]

  1. B, heofona; B, geradogode.
  2. Corp., A, and þa þe þæt, B, and þa he þæt.
  3. A, hwanen.
  4. A, hafa.
  5. B, þæne.
  6. A, forþrysmode, B, forþrysmyde.
  7. A, eal.
  8. A, heora.