Page:Greece from the Coming of the Hellenes to AD. 14.djvu/445

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 held by Sext. Pompeius, 339; Greek poets in, 266
Sicyon, tyrants of, 49; Roman troops defeated near, 283 ; Roman province of, 307; to keep up Isthmian games, 308; arbitrates between Athens and Oropus, 314
Sidon, 342
Sigeium occupied by Athenians, 65, 71. 92
Simonides of Ceos, 23, 132, 269, 368, 371-2
Simonides of Amorgus, 372-3
Sinope, capital of Pontus, 281
Slavery, 52
Smyrna, 295, 299
Social wars, of Athenian allies, 216; against; Ætolia, 274, 278, 282
Socrates, 164, 195, 200-5, 354-5
Solon, 23; legislation of, 66-8; visit of to Crœsus, 82-3; poetry of, 370-1
Sophists, the, 199, 351-3
Sophocles, 29, 154, 164, 382-6
Sparta, early supremacy of, 2, 206-12; constitution of, 51-56; loss of prestige of alter Persian wars, 135; earthquake at, 136; conference at to denounce Athens, 161-2; dealings of with Persian satraps, 191; end of supremacy of, 212; defeated by Antipater, 237; decadence of, 277; forced to join Archæan League, 300-1, 305; separated from the League, 306; a Roman province, 307; sides with Pompey, 335; favoured by Augustus, 341
Sphacteria, 172, 176
Stesichorus, 264
Stoa poekile, the, 150, 361
Stoics the, 26, 361-4
Strabo, 25
Strymon R., 108, 216
Sulla in Greece, 327-31
Sulpicius Rufus, Ser., 328; governor of Greece by Cæsar, 336
Susa, 92-4
Sussitia at Sparta, 54
Sybaris, 252
Syntaxis, 211, 231
Syracuse, 3, [64, [86-90, 252, 256, 265, 309, 341
Syria, kingdom of, 235, 330


Tagus of Thessaly, 57
Tanagra, battle of, 140-1; pottery works at, 247
Tantalus, 18
Tarentum, 32, 237, 247, 255-6, 309
Tarsus, 338
Tegeans at Plataea, 122
Tempe, vale of, 112
Telesilla, poetess, 368
Temenus of Argos, 49; Temenidae, 215
Tenedos, 211
Tenos, 338
Teuta, Queen of Illyria, 316
Thapsus, 186
Theatre, the, 149
Thebes, rise of, 57; legends of, 22; punished after Persian war, 124; supremacy of, 3, 212-4; invaded by Spartans, 210; allied with Athens, 211; and opposed to Philip, 221; destroyed by Alexander, 228; restored by Cassander, 247; submits to Mithradates, 327; submits to Cæsar, 335
Themistocles, 106, 107, 112-13; at Artemisium, 115-16; activity of at Salamis, 117-18; ostracised, 131; services of to Athens, 135
Theocritus, 24, 264, 397-8
Theognis, 23, 371
Theophanes, 333
Theophrastus, 243, 329
Theoric Fund, the, 139
Theramenes, 192, 196-8
Therma (Thessalonika), 111
Thermopylæ, meeting of Amphictyons at, 46; Persians at, 112-16, Philip II. at, 218; muster