Page:Greece from the Coming of the Hellenes to AD. 14.djvu/446

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 at after Alexander's death, 238 ; Gauls (Celts) at, 248 ; Antiochus at, 297 ; Achaeans at, 306
Thermus takes Mitylene, 331
Theseus kills the Minotaur, 8 ; combines the Attic towns, 58-9 ; temple of, 149
Thespias in Boeotia, in ; Thespians stand by Leonidas, 115 ; resist Mithradates, 327
Thespis, 26
Thessalonika, 335
Thessaly, 12, 57, 99 ; declared free by Romans, 293 ; a Roman province, 307, 341
Thimbron, Spartan general, 207
Thirty at Athens, the, 197-9
Thrace, kingdom of, 235-6, 270-1 ; Philip V. in, 302 ; troops of Mithradates in, 330
Thrasybulus of Syracuse, 259
Thrasybulus, Athenian general, 193-4, 198
Thrasyllus, 193
Thrinakia, 15
Thucydides, son of Milesias, opponent of Pericles, 145, 157 Thucydides, son of Olorus, the historian, 24, 154, 167, 175, 398-9
Thurii, colony at, 145, 186, 255
Timoleon of Corinth, 260
Timotheos, Athenian general, 212, 217
Tiryns, 22
Tissaphernes, 190-2, 207
Tithraustes, 207
Tolmides, Athenian general, 141
Torone, 176
Tralles, 299, 325
Trasimene Lake, battle of, 282
Tyrants in Peloponnese, 49-51 ; in Asiatic Greece, 86 ; with Darius on the Danube, 89 ; in Sicily, 262-3 ; in Sparta, 278
Tyre, taken by Alexander, 232 ; punished by Augustus, 342
Tyrtaeus, 23, 370


Verres, 323
Via Egnatia, 335


Xenarchus, 264
Xenophanes of Colophus, teacher in Sicily, 132, 264, 372 ; on athletes, 45
Xenophon, 24, 199, 200, 207, 399
Xerxes, king of Persia, determines to invade Greece, 108 ; at Thermopylae, 114-5 ; in Attica, 116-21


Zacynthus (Zante) allied with Athens, 141, 211
Zeus, 34, 244, 361-2 ; of Dodona, 16 ; temple of at Athens, 149