Page:Groves - Memoir of Anthony Norris Groves, 3rd edition.djvu/10

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Success of various plans for carrying on the Chittoor mission.—Mrs. Groves’s return to England.—Sudden reverse in circumstances.—Mr. Groves’s experience under trials, detailed in letters to his son, and to Mrs. Groves.—Visit to Madras.—Ministry there among Christians.—Arrival of Mr. and Mrs. F. Groves.—Return to Chittoor.—Visit to Bangalore.Page 411 to 431.
Continuation of Journal.—Mr. Groves visits Ootacamund.—Kind reception by his friends.—Union with all saints.—Korah’s Rebellion.—Mrs. Gundert.—Happy result of his visit to many.—Catholicity of Messrs. Fox and Noble.—Services on the Lord’s Day.—Fluctuating experience.—Pilgrim character of God’s People.—Return to Chittoor through Mysore and Bangalore.—Honey in the Lion’s Carcase.—English School at Chittoor.—Church order and discipline.—Visits to many in Madras.—Ministry in Black Town and other places.—Accountof Dr. C.—MacCarthy.—Notes of Poonamalee.—Aroolappen.—Union with all.—Reflections on God’s ways and many parts of Scripture.—Faith in a dark day.—Madras city Mission.—Various Spiritual Reflections.Page 432 to 453.
Mr. Groves visits England.—His feelings on this occasion.—Account of overland route.—Arrival in Bristol.—Visits in Devonshire, London, and Scotland—Return to Bristol—Events which took place there—Sails for India—Reaches Chittoor—Account of his work there—Changes in Society—Failure of his own health.Page 454 to 473.
Failure of Mr. Groves’s health—His return to England with Mrs. F. Groves determined on—He parts with his family at Chittoor—Leaves Madras, with Christian friends, by steamer, August 14th—Some account of overland route—Experience of God’s help in sickness and various trials by the way—He lands at Southampton, and goes to Bristol Some account of his ministry there—Happy visits at Barnstaple, Bristol, and Tottenham—Variable accounts of his health—He visits Sidmouth, Exmouth, and Torquay—Interest excited by him about missions at Tottenham and Hackney—He visits Malvern—Rapid decline in his health, and happy experience of God’s help in sickness—He returns to Bristol—Letters and Journals of various friends describing the peace and triumph granted him at the last—Some account of his death and funeral.Page 474 to 512.
Conclusion.Page 513 to 525.