Page:Groves - Memoir of Anthony Norris Groves, 3rd edition.djvu/11

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Her influence with Mr. Groves and others.—Reflections on her character.—Catholicity of heart.—Her death and Funeral.—The reminiscences of her sister.—Death of her sister.—Extracts from letters.—The estimate of faith.—Faith’s conflicts and victory.—Spiritual growth.—Resignation to God’s will. 557 to 570.
Early history.—Leaves Mr. Groves.—His independent position.—His fellow labourers.—Time of the mutiny.—Account of Aquilla who gives himself to preaching.—His death.—School and printing press.—A year of famine.—Encouraged in his work.—Extracts from his journal.—Letter to Mr. Start.—Caste prejudice.—Remarks on his letter.—Commencement of the revival.—The converts begin to preach.—The work deepens.—Sinners awakened.—The second coming.—The power of the truth.—Death of Elias.—Letter to Mr. H. Groves.—Extracts from his journal.—Heathen confessions to the truth.—Expectations of a coming one.—Another letter.—On the commencement of the revival.—The printing press.—Trial of faith.—Notices of the revival in the Church Missionary intelligence.—Testimony of Church Missionaries.—Letter from Aroolappen’s son,—Mr. Valpy’s testimony.—Mr. Dibb, on the working of the Spirit.—Native testimony.—Extracts from the Indian Watchman.—Testimony to the revival by Church of England Missionaries.—Unsectarian character of the revival.—The awakened.—Salvation of relatives.—Subsequent History.—Letter to Mr. F. Groves.—A new year’s meeting.—Trials by the way.—Colonel Dobbie at Palamcotta.—Letter to Mr. Start.—Missionary Tours.—Intercourse with Church Missionaries.—His last letter.—The Evangelist Yasudasan.—His fellow labourers.—His sudden death,—Letter from his son.— The following annual meeting,—Mission arrangements.—Conclusion. 571 to 640.
Mission work.—A young man awakened.—Village preaching.—The dying child.—Work in the boys’ school.—Evangelistic labors.—Interesting case of conversion.—Natives baptized.—Increased facilities.—Native Evangelists.—Conclusion. 641 to 652.