Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/332

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Rebecca comes wi' you, hinny, and stays a month or twa while you're stranger like."

While Mrs Rebecca was curtseying, and endeavouring to make the poor orphan girl curtsey instead of crying, and while Dandie, in his rough way, was encouraging them both, old Pleydell had recourse to his snuff-box. "It's meat and drink to me, now, Colonel," he said, as he recovered himself, "to see a clown like this—I must gratify him in his own way, must assist him to ruin himself—there's no help for it,—Here, you Liddesdale—Dandie—Charlies-hope—what do they call you?"

The farmer turned, infinitely gratified even by this sort of notice, for in his heart, next to his own landlord, he honoured a lawyer in high practice.

"So you will not be advised against trying that question about your marches?"

"N—no, sir—naebody likes to lose their right, and to be laughed at down the hail water. But since your honour's no agreeable; and is may be a friend to the