Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/333

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other side like, we maun try some other advocate."

"There—I told you so, Colonel Mannering!—Well, sir, if you must needs be a fool, the business is to give you the luxury of a law-suit at the least possible expence, and to bring you off conqueror if possible. Let Mr Protocol send me your papers, and I will advise him how to conduct your cause. I don't see, after all, why you should not have your law-suits too, and your feuds in the court of Session, as well as your forefathers had their manslaughters and fire-raisings."

"Very natural, to be sure, sir. We would just take the auld gate as readily, if it were no for the law. And as the law binds us, the law should loose us. Besides, a man's aye the better thought of in our country for having been afore the feifteen."

"Excellently argued, my friend! Away with you, and send your papers to me.—Come, Colonel, we have no more to do here."