Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/310

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—I brought the twasome—but wha was the third?—It would be himsell returned to work his ain vengeance."

It was evident that the unexpected appearance of Hazlewood, whose person the outrage of Hatteraick left her no time to recognize, had produced a strong effect on her imagination. She often recurred to it. Hazlewood accounted for it to Bertram, by saying, that he had kept them in view for some time by the direction of Mannering; that, observing them disappear into the cave, he had crept after them, meaning to announce himself and his errand, when his hand in the darkness encountering the leg of Dinmont, had nearly produced a catastrophe, which indeed nothing but the presence of mind and fortitude of the bold yeoman could have averted.

When the gypsey arrived at the hut, she produced the key; and when they entered, and were about to deposit her upon the bed, she said, in an anxious tone,