Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/311

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"Na, na! not that way, not that way, the head to the east;" and appeared gratified when they reversed her posture accordingly.

"Is there no clergyman near," said Bertram, "to assist this unhappy woman's devotions?"

A gentleman, the minister of the parish, who had been Charles Hazlewood's tutor, had, with many others, caught the alarm, that the murderer of Kennedy was taken on the spot where the deed had been done so many years before, and that a woman was mortally wounded. From curiosity, or rather from the feeling that his duty called him to scenes of distress, this gentleman had come to the Kaim of Derncleugh, and now presented himself. The surgeon arrived at the same time, and was about to probe the wound; but Meg resisted the assistance of either. "It's nae what man can do that will heal me or save me.—Let me speak what I have to say, and then you may work your will. I'se