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Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, I do not make this request lightly. I have been deeply involved in helping to keep this Nation safe during my 25 years in Congress, including a number of terms on this committee.

Like everyone on this committee, I take seriously the obligation to keep this Nation's most sensitive secrets out of the public domain. However, when there are abuses that go to the core of our democracy. Americans deserve to know.

Contrary to the claims made in the media, this committee has been transparent with the FBI. Yesterday Chairman Nunes and Chairman Gowdy discussed the memo with FBI Director Wray and provided him with a copy to review.

Further, at the request of the FBI Director, committee staff went to FBI headquarters this afternoon and shared the memo with two senior FBI employees for their input.

The rules of the House. dating back to this committee's founding, permit this committee to make this information available to the public.

There are moments in our history when full transparency is required so that all Americans can understand what their government has done. After all, this is the American people's House, and we work for them.

Having carefully balanced the need to keep the information secret with the need to inform the public, I have concluded that this matter requires us to disclose the information in the memo to the American people.

And I thank you, Mr. Chairman, and I yield back.

MR. SWALWELL: Will the gentleman yield?

MR. KING: Surely.