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MR. SWALWELL: I would ask the gentleman, what did the FBI say as to dissemination to the public? Are they okay with it?

And I would yield back.

MR. KING: What can we say in open session?

THE CHAIRMAN: Well, if the gentleman will yield?

MR. KING: Yes, I yield, Mr. Chairman.

THE CHAIRMAN: Our goal was to make sure that we were not going to disclose any issues of national security, and we believe that we have met that threshold. And we would hope that if the minority moves to make their memo available to the public, that they will also have the same due diligence to make sure that we make no disclosures that would harm national security.

MR. HIMES: Will the gentleman further yield?

MR. KING: Yes.

MR. HIMES: Just a clarifying question about the motion, a couple clarifying questions.

First, the motion. Is the intent to make the memo, complete with references to FISA applications and other classified -- is the intent to make the memo as presented to this committee and as shown to Members of Congress, that precise memo available to the public, or will there be a process of redaction before that is made available to the public?

THE CHAIRMAN: Only -- yeah. It is to make the content available, is what we will do.

MR. HIMES: Again, we all reviewed a memo with specific words, as did Members of Congress. That memo contained any number of references to highly classified information. So I guess what I am looking for, is that memo word for