Page:Hamlet (1917) Yale.djvu/212

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The Tragedy of Hamlet,

scourge: 103 (IV. iii. 6)

scrimers: 123 (IV. vii. 100)

scullion: 62 (II. ii. 624)

sea-gown: 138 (V. ii. 13)

season: 15 (I. ii. 192)

seeming: 74 (III. ii. 92)

seiz'd of: 4 (I. i. 89)

semblable: 142 (V. ii. 125)

Seneca: 55 (II. ii. 428)

sense: 92 (III. iv. 38); 94 (III. iv. 71)

senseless: 58 (II. ii. 504)

sensible: 3 (I. i. 57)

sensibly: 115 (IV. v. 149)

se offendendo: 127 (V. i. 9)

sergeant: 151 (V. ii. 350)

set: 105 (IV. iii. 65)

set me packing: 99 (III. iv. 211)

shards: 135 (V. i. 255)

share: 82 (III. ii. 295)

shark'd up: 5 (I. i. 98)

shent: 86 (III. ii. 423)

shoon: 110 (IV. v. 26)

short: 100 (IV. i. 18)

shreds and patches: 95 (III. iv. 102)

shriving-time: 139 (V. ii. 47)

shuffled off: 66 (III. i. 67)

shuffling: 89 (III. iii. 61)

sick . . . doomsday: 6 (I. i. 120)

sicklied o'er: 67 (III. i. 85)

siege: 122 (IV. vii. 76)

simples: 124 (IV. vii. 144)

single and peculiar: 87 (III. iii. 11)

sith: 108 (IV. iv. 45)

skirts: 5 (I. i. 97)

slander: 23 (I. iii. 133)

sledded Polacks: 3 (I. i. 63)

slightly timber'd: 119 (IV. vii. 22)

smooth and even: 103 (IV. iii. 7)

so, haply, slander: 101 (IV. i. 40)

soft: 142 (V. ii. 113)

softly: 106 (IV. iv. 8)

soil: 18 (I. iii. 15)

soil our addition: 24 (I. iv. 20)

sold in fee: 107 (IV. iv. 22)

solicited: 152 (V. ii. 372)

solidity and compound mass: 93 (III. iv. 49)

something-settled: 70 (III. i. 182)

sometimes: 3 (I. i. 49)

sore: 133 (V. i. 189)

sort: 5 (I. i. 109); 50 (II. ii. 279)

sovereign: 69 (III. i. 166)

spheres: 27 (I. v. 17)

spendthrift sigh: 123 (IV. vii. 122)

spills: 109 (IV. v. 20)

spirit of health: 25 (I. iv. 40)

spirits: 63 (II. ii. 639)

spite: 34 (I. v. 188)

splenetive: 136 (V. i. 285)

sport: 80 (III. ii. 229)

spring: 119 (IV. vii. 20)

springes: 22 (I. iii. 115)

spurns (noun): 66 (III. 1. 73)

spurns (vb.): 109 (IV. v. 6)

stage: 153 (V. ii. 392)

stand . . . upon: 140 (V. ii. 63)

station: 93 (III. iv. 58)

statists: 139 (V. ii. 33)

statutes: 130 (V. i. 113)

stay upon: 75 (III. ii. 113)

sterling: 22 (I. iii. 107)

stick . . . off: 148 (V. ii. 271)

still: 6 (I. i. 122)

stithy: 74 (III. ii. 89)

stomach: 5 (I. i. 100)