Page:Hamlet (1917) Yale.djvu/213

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Prince of Denmark

stooping: 77 (III. ii. 161)

stop: 73 (III. ii. 76)

stoup: 128 (V. i. 68)

straight: 56 (II. ii. 460)

straw: 107 (IV. iv. 26)

strewments: 135 (V. i. 257)

strumpet: 49 (II. ii. 244)

stuck: 125 (IV. vii. 161)

stuff: 52 (II. ii. 332)

subject: 4 (I. i. 72)

subscrib'd: 140 (V. ii. 52)

succession: 53 (II. ii. 376)

suit of sables: 76 (III. ii. 139)

suiting: 61 (II. ii. 590)

suffer not thinking on: 76 (III. ii. 143)

sullies: 36 (II. i. 39)

supervise: 139 (V. ii. 23)

suppliance: 18 (I. iii. 9)

supply and profit: 40 (II. ii. 24)

swaddling-clouts: 55 (II. ii. 411)

sweep my way: 99 (III. iv. 204)

swinish: 24 (I. iv. 19)

Switzers: 112 (IV. v. 97)

swoopstake: 114 (IV. v. 141)

sword: 33 (I. v. 154)

'Swounds: 62 (II. ii. 612)

swounds: 150 (V. ii. 322)

synod: 59 (II. ii. 524)

table: 30 (I. v. 98)

taints of liberty: 36 (II. i. 32)

take: 35 (II. i. 13)

take . . . troubles: 66 (III. i. 59)

takes: 7 (I. i. 163)

tarre: 53 (II. ii. 379)

tax . . . home: 88 (III. iii. 29)

teeth and forehead: 89 (III. iii. 63)

tell: 17 (I. ii. 237)

Tellus: 77 (III. ii. 168)

temperance: 71 (III. ii. 8)

temper'd: 151 (V. ii. 342)

temple: 18 (I. iii. 12)

tenable: 17 (I. ii. 247)

tend: 21 (I. iii. 83)

tender (vb.): 22 (I. iii. 107)

tenders (noun): 21 (I. iii. 99)

tent: 63 (II. ii. 634)

tenures: 130 (V. i. 108)

Termagant: 71 (III. ii. 16)

terms: 87 (III. iii. 5)

tetter: 29 (I. v. 71)

the . . . body: 103 (IV. ii. 29)

the croaking . . . revenge: 81 (III. ii. 268)

there be of them: 72 (III. ii. 45)

these: 44 (II. ii. 112)

thews: 18 (I. iii. 12)

thicker than itself: 88 (III. iii. 44)

this . . . drooping: 137 (V. 1. 308)

thought: 4 (I. i. 67)

thrall'd: 94 (III. iv. 74)

thrift: 73 (III. ii. 67)

tickle o' the sere: 52 (II. ii. 346)

time: 68 (III. i. 116)

tinct: 94 (III. iv. 91)

tithe: 95 (III. iv. 97)

to: 65 (III. i. 52)

toil (noun): 85 (III. ii. 369)

toils (vb.): 4 (I. i. 72)

too dear a halfpenny: 50 (II. ii. 288)

too much prov'd: 65 (III. 1. 47)

topp'd: 122 (IV. vii. 88)

touch'd: 117 (IV. v. 207)

toward: 4 (I. i. 77)

toy in blood: 18 (I. iii. 6)