Page:Handbook of maritime rights.djvu/85

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enemies' goods, though found in the ship of a nation not at war; for I consider it as the property of an enemy, and belonging by the right of war to the conqueror."

(5) Loccenius, de jure maritimo. L. II. c. 4, s. 12.

(6) Voet, de jure militari. C. 5, n. 21.

(7) Heineccius (a Prussian) de navibus ob vecturam vetilarum mercium commissis. C. 2, s. 9. (Perfectly clear and explicit on this head).

(8) Zouch, de judicio inter gentes. Pars II. s. 8, n. 6.

As to the fourth point the Duke of Newcastle goes on to say: "What I have laid stress upon, on more than one opportunity, is, that the general rule cannot be more strongly proved than by the exceptions which particular treaties have made to it."

The fifth point is an argument by itself. With reference to reprisals, the law of nations, founded on justice, equity, conve-