Page:Handbook of maritime rights.djvu/86

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nience, and the "reason of the thing" and confirmed by long usage, only allows of reprisals in cases of violent injuries directed and supported by the State, and when justice is absolutely denied "in re minimè dubiâ," by all the tribunals and afterwards by the Prince. Cf. Grotius de jure belli ac pacis, L. III. c. 2, s. 4, 5; also the treaty between England and Holland, 31 July, 1667, Art. XXXI. "Reprisals shall not be granted until justice is demanded according to the ordinary course of law." Also the treaty of commerce of Ryswick, 20th Sept. 1697, between France and Holland, Art. IV. "Reprisals shall not be granted except on manifest denial of justice."

The sixth point is the mere statement of a matter of fact.

I have already stated that this answer of the Duke of Newcastle was considered so conclusive that the Prussian counter-claims were withdrawn, and the Silesian indemnity paid.