Page:Hendryx--Connie Morgan with the Mounted.djvu/206

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Connie Morgan with the Mounted

joked a bit with the Constable, while Notorious Bishop, with all the assurance in the world, begged a pipe of tobacco from the Corporal. And the launch passed on and left the canoe to continue her way toward Dawson.

That night they camped at the little police post on Indian River where Notorious Bishop played checkers until far into the night with the Constable in charge while Connie looked on and wondered at the man's nerve. Next morning when they set out for Dawson, the Constable accompanied them to the river and waved them good-bye with a cordial invitation to the "prospector" to be sure and stop in whenever he passed that way—an invitation which Notorious Bishop laughingly accepted providing the Constable would brush up his checker game.

The buildings of Dawson were sighted long before sundown and Connie's heart thumped with suppressed excitement as the canoe beached close to the wharf where the Sarah was being loaded for her last trip down the river.

"Guess I'll just go over an' get my ticket while the gettin's good, " said Notorious, as he shouldered his rifle, blankets, and pack-sack. "Come