Page:Hendryx--Connie Morgan with the Mounted.djvu/207

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Connie Puts One Over

on along, Constable," he invited, "an' I'll go on up to headquarters with you. I'd sure like to see what kind of a layout you've got up here." The man booked passage for Fort Yukon, and Connie accompanied him while he stowed his effects in his tiny cabin. Returning to the wharf they were informed that the boat was due to sail the following day.

"That sure suits me fine," said Notorious. "I've heard a lot about Dawson, an' my friend, the Constable, here, he's promised to show me 'round a bit." Then, turning to the boy. "All right, Constable, just you lead the way an' we'll start on our sight-seein' tour. You be the guide, and I'll pay the freight." He laughed boisterously and Connie noticed that his grey eyes were unusually bright. A sudden fear clutched his heart. Was it possible that in some way he had overplayed his game and that Notorious Bishop knew that he had been recognized? Was the man planning a spectacular dash for liberty? Or was his evident state of suppressed excitement occasioned by the fact that he was soon to be brought face to face with the Superintendent, himself, while the Superintendent's picked men were at that very moment