Page:Henry Mulford Tichenor - A Wave of Horror (1912).djvu/19

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generated from too much leisure and too much luxury. What will be the outcome? Some day there will be a volcanic eruption. The hungry millions will turn against the over-fed few. A fearful retribution will be enacted on the capitalist class as a class, and the innocent will suffer with the guilty. Such a revolution will retrograde civilization; it might throw the white race back into barbarism."

Congressman Berger speaks the truth and any man or woman who does not to-day realize that he speaks the truth is a blind interpreter of past history and present day conditions.

Do you want something infinitely more awful than happened in France?

Do you want a Wave of Horror too appalling to contemplate?

Do you want Murder absolutely unchained from its mad-house and the dogs of internecine war turned loose?

If you do not want these things, you had better get busy right away.

I want to tell you there is no time to lose.

At this very hour there are hundreds of thousands hungry, homeless and out of work.

There is a vast army who know no way to settle social wrongs save to destroy, pillage and kill.

This is the fruit the tree of Capitalism has borne.

This is the harvest gathered from a social system that creates two classes—one that does all the useful work and another that does no useful work, but takes all the proceeds.

This is the monstrous crime Humanity is guilty of when it denies any member of its race full and free opportunity to produce and own those things the body and mind require.