Page:Henry Mulford Tichenor - A Wave of Horror (1912).djvu/20

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You fling defiance into the face of the Almighty when you believe, assist or knowingly vote that one class shall live off the sweat of another's brow.


James McNamara blew up the Los Angeles Times building because he saw in Harrison Gray Otis an enemy of organized labor.

It was class fighting class with fang and claw.

It was the war way, the murder way.

Was it right? No. Was it wisdom? No. If the McNamaras had been Socialist students, instead of prejudiced and ignorant members of the democratic party, they would have struggled to overturn the system that creates class war, hate and poverty, and would have appealed to their blind followers with tons of Socialist literature instead of exploding sticks of dynamite.

You, who shudder with a Wave of Horror at the act of James McNamara, are doing something that is liable some day to explode with more tragedy than the wreck and slaughter of The Los Angeles Times building when you stick your devilish republican or democratic ticket into the ballot box and register your vow that a band of pirates shall rob the working class of nine-tenths of what it produces—aye, that shall condemn thousands of workers to not even have a chance to work at all and receive a niggardly one-tenth of their labor.

A Wave of Horror?

Would to God I could paint the picture of desolation your rotten old party ballot perpetuates in this land of plenty.

From the cotton fields of the South, where the sad-faced women and children toil in the fields for a chance to merely exist on this beautiful earth, and eat and sleep in hovels that their proud masters would think unfit kennels for their dogs, on to the industrial Wage-slave warrens