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I.tltUAKY «»f



conipany of Ni'W York a dim-tor of the I'iiiladclphia ami Poncoyd railroad company; and of many oIIht corporations. Hatfield, Marcus Patten, physician, nntlior. Since IH5>8 lu« liaa l>e»'n professor «)f pediatrics at the Chicago clinical school. He is the author «»f Laboratory Kxercises and Compend of Diseases of Children; ami other Aiiieriran






works. poet, was 1822. in Cayujia county. X.Y.

Hathaway, Benjamin, Huthor, horn Sept.


He wuH employed

as a cooper; early in life for evince<l a taste poetry; ami deVclop«'il a fondness for trees and plants and their cultivation. He stibover sec|uently for thirty years ••ultivatvarious llowcrs ed

and plants

in coiin*'c-

tion with his farm. It was late in life Ix-fore he coulil devot«' much time to his favorite studies; and subsequently spent several winters at the university library of Ann Arbor, Mich. Ife was the autnor of Art Life and Other PmMns: The I>«'a;;ue of the Irofpiois; and The Finishefl Creation and Other INM-ms. He died about ISU.'i in Michijian.

Hathaway,Forrest Henry,8oldier. was born 7, 1844, in crmont. He served througliout the civil war; and in 188(5 was brevetted major. In 18<57 he was appointed swond lieutenant in the I'nited States infantry: an<i served in all prades to nuijor <jnartermaster. In lIMM he was retired with the rank of brifjadier-gcneral in the I'nitcil States army. Hathaway, Horatio, manufacturer, was born May U», 1831. in New Heilford. Mass. He is president of the Hathaway manufacturing company, a large cotton mill, employing one hundred thmisand spindles and one thousand operatives. Hathaway, Joshua Warren, lawyer, jurist, was Iwrn in 17!I7 in New Rrunswick. Maine. In 1804 he was appointed one of the judges of the district court for the state; and in lS.V2-r>0 was an associate justice of the supreme court of Maine. He died in 18fi2. Oct.

Hathaway, Samuel was born .Ian.


Gilbert, soldij-r. h-gisIS.




the New York Icgislafure in 1842-4.3. In IS.-.«i and 18»52 he wa* a candidat* for congress. In 18<i.'{ he i-ntt-red the army as colonel of the fourteenth New York reginn-nt; an<l as actinir britradier-








died April


.MK-rtTonibie's division.



Solon. X.Y.

Hathaway. Warren, clergyman, autlmr. was burn «»v. 10, 1828. in Ilallston Spa. N'.Y.


For the past thirty-three years he has pastor of the Blooming rjrove congre-

OF A.MKKH'AN liUKIKAlMl V. lie is the author i>f QuesNature and Grace; A Faithful PasThe Lif«' of John Koss. Hatheway, Samuel Gilbert, scddier. state born July IS. sciiaitor. congressman, was

gational church, tions of tor: ami

1780. in Freetown. Mass. ]h- was. for eight years, a justice of the peact-; in 1814 and |S|8 was elected to the New York state h'gislature; and in 1822 to the state senate. He was commission«'d major-general of militia in 1823. In 1833-35 he was a represi-ntative from New York to the twenty-third congress and in 18.V2 was a presidential elector. He died May 2, 18<>7. in Solon.

N.Y. Hathorn, Henry H., congressman, was born Nov. 28. 1813. in CJrwnlidd, N.Y. He was supervisor for Saratoga four years: an»l was I8r>3 ami id»'cte«l sheriir of the county in 18tl2, s«'rving six years. In 1873-77 he was a representative to the forty-third and forHe ty- lourth congresses as a republican. died in .Saratoga, N.Y.

Hathorn, John, state senator, congressman. He was a member of the New York stilt senate in 1787. In 1789-91 and 179.-.-97 he was a representative from New York to the llrst and fourth congresses. He was again elected to the state senate in 1804. He died in Warwick. N.Y. Hathorne, John, lawyer, state legislator, jurist, was born in August. 1(541, in .Salem, .Mass. He was a representative in the state assembly in 1683; assistant or councilor in 1(184-1712. excepting during Sir Edmund Andros' administration; and was active in the witchcraft pro.secutions. He served in the Indian and eastern wars as colonel; and was commander of the forces in the exp«'dition of






1717. in



Frank, soldier, journalist, postiiiasf er-gt-neral. was born .April 28, 184(5, in Cambridg*', Ohio. In 18(53 he enlisted in the union army; and in 18(54 was commissioned first lieutenant. In 1874 lie removed to Rurlington, Iowa, and purchased a controlling interest in the Burlington Hawkeye, and there gained a national reputation as a political writer. He was postmaster at Burlington; in 1881 was appointed first assistant postmaster-general; and in 1884-8.") he Hatton,

was postmaster-general. He died April 1H94. in Washington. D.C.


Hatton, Robert, soldier, lawyer, congressman, was born in 1827 in Sumner county, Tenn. He served in the Tennessee legislature in I8ri(5: and in 18;»9-6l he was a representative from Tennessee to the thirty sixth congress. He served in the ••ivil war;

was killed at the battle of Fair Oaks, before Hichmond. May 31. 1802. Hattstaedt, John James, musician, com[toser. was Inirn Hec. 29. 18.')1. in Monroe. Mich. Since 188(5 he has Iwen director of the American conservatory of Chicago. HI. He is the author of Manual of Musical Hisan<l
